Workers’ Compensation

There are typically four main areas that are addressed with Worker’s Compensation:

Time-of-injury Job Analysis

We complete on-site job analyses and job descriptions of the position that an injured worker held at the time that he or she sustained an injury.

Job analyses are often used in other professional services.

Return-to-work Assistance

We work with the employer, injured worker, doctor, attorney and insurance company to outline a return-to-work plan. In a temporary situation, the plan will involve light-duty or modified capacity adjustments. In a permanent situation, this plan will address the injured worker’s limitations in a long-term manner.

We stress that the plan must be agreed upon by the physician, as well as all other parties concerned. Typically, the goal is to lead the injured worker to full-time employment at the wage or salary the worker was receiving at the time of injury.

Employability or Wage-loss Assessment

On behalf of the injured worker, VCS, Inc. works to identify alternative positions beyond that held at the time of injury, which appear to be within the injured worker’s physical limitations. We conduct job analyses of those alternative occupations, and submit the analyses to the treating physician for review and signature.

Upon the treating physician’s approval for the injured worker to be employed in these positions, VCS, Inc. performs labor market research to obtain current market data, including the number of employees currently active within each field, as well the occupation’s entry-level and average wages. Ultimately, a report is completed and provided to the referral source or insurance company.

Rehabilitation Plan

VCS, Inc. develops training plans for client rehabilitation. These might include formal career training, on-the-job training, or any other proactive means for injured workers to gain further skills and abilities in order to broaden their employability opportunities. These plans must be agreed upon by the referral source or paying source—typically a Workers’ Compensation insurance company—as well as the attorney and injured worker. Additionally, the treating physician must approve the ultimate vocational goal.




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